GoBeavers 24
On June 9th over 700 Beaver Scouts from around the County arrived at Blackland Farm for a day of activities. Split into four areas, the young people tried their hands a variety of skills and games.
- Bouldering
- Trampoline basketball
- Circus Skills
- Crafts
- Cave Bus
- Emergency Services’ Vehicles
- Planetarium
- Inlfaterbles
- Bubbles
- Paper planes
- Mop Hockey
- Grass Sleding
- Tunnelling
- Blindfold Trail
- Archery
- Low Ropes
- Fire lighting
- Smores making
- Assault course
The day concluded with the closing ceremony, before the very tired young people disappeared home.
This was only possible, thanks to all the volunteers, the leaders and helpers who spent the day with their Beaver Scout colonies, and those who came to look after all the activities, and support crew.
A special thanks to the GoBeavers Team, who have spent months planning, collating and arrange and running the whole event.